Alpaca Express

AlpacaExpress is a fibre collection centre for all WA Alpaca breeders. It is managed by Sophie and started in 2007 with breeders cooperating to combine fibre volumes to enable sales of classed pressed bales of alpaca fibre. It has grown to have supplied over 100 pressed bales of fibre, in excess of 13 tonne. It has enabled West Australian alpaca farmers to supply some of the world’s finest alpaca fibre to both domestic & international export markets.
Alpaca Express can provide small alpaca fleece producers with access to markets for their fibre and maximise producer returns from the sale of this luxurious fibre.
The quality of the final bales is assured through producer training and quality fleece preparation and pre-classing requirements.
AlpacaExpress also supplies the local craft market with raw fibre and processed yarn through a small farm shop. The farm shop also stocks a wide range of alpaca products including garments, homewares and alpaca accessories. Click here
Fibre Collection
AlpacaExpress purchases both Huacaya and Suri fleece in all colours.
Once fleeces are dropped off to Alpaca Express, they are assessed, skirted and classed into lines of 2 micron increments according to buyers specifications.
We encourage breeders to supply all of their alpaca fibre not just the saddles as we can class it into saleable lines.
For current fleece purchase prices producers should email :

Fleece Preparation Requirements
To ensure the quality of supply and to maximise returns to producers Alpaca Express requires all supplied fleece to be properly skirted and free of vegetable matter.
To assistwith this Alpaca Express encourages all producers to attend appropriate fleece preparation workshops (click here) and also encourages saddle first shearing to avoid cross contamination of fibre.
For quality saddle fleeces we encourage 3 point combined testing to provide a better representation of the whole saddle, although mid side sample test results are sufficient from a professional provider, such as Micronman, or we can provide testing facility in house.
For enquiries email :