January 2019 – 23 pressed bales delivered to Primaries wool brokers in Fremantle for export to Asia & Europe
October 2018 Winner of Supreme Championship at Perth Royal Show
May 2018 Jaxson born
April 2017 Jenny judged National Futurity Show in Germany
September 2016 Madelyn born
Sophie Married
Purchased Bromance &Desmanthus
Purchase Star Graduate
October 2016 Winner of Supreme Championship at Perth Royal Show
????? – Jenny judged National British Show in ?????
March 2012 Jenny is off judging at the International Alpaca Odyssey
Jenny is away from the farm yet again, this time she has been invited to judge in California for their International Alpaca Odyssey.
Congratulations to all involved for putting on a great display of alpacas.
She has managed to fit in a bit of sight seeing and horse back riding up into the mountains, such a hard life!

October 2011 Perth Royal Show and Governors Cup
The 2011 Governors Cup at the Perth Royal Show for a third time was awarded to Banksia Park after a very succesful showing…
Junior Female Reserve Champion – Banksia Park MBHH Mai Tai
Junior Male Champion – Banksia Park QXRNQ Falcon
Senior Male Champion – Banksia Park MMCI Casino
Mature Female Reserve Champion – Banksia Park AVJK Peppin Parade ET
Mature Male Champion – Banksia Park VCK Colorado ET
Supreme Champion Huacaya – Banksia Park VCK Colorado ET
Best White and Brown
Sires Progeny – 2nd Banksia Park Khan ET
National Show and Sale 2010
Banksia Park had a very successful show at Tammworth, being awarded 4 Championship Ribbons and 2 Reserve Championships.
Congratulations to Alpacandes and Millpaca on there purchase of Lot 1 – Banksia Park Mystic Challenge ET at the 2010 National Show and Sale. Banksia Park Mystic Challenge ET recieved Champion Senior Male at the National Show just the day before and therefore was selected as a wildcard into the Auction.

October 2010 Perth Royal Show and Governors Cup
The 2010 Governors Cup at the Perth Royal Show was awarded to Banksia Park after a very succesful showing…
Junior Female Reserve Champion – Banksia Park RXCK Radiance
Intermediate Female Champion – Banksia Park QN Queen of Hearts
Adult Female Reserve Champion – Banksia Park VCK Chacani ET
Adult Male Champion – Banksia Park KOCY Wizard
Adult Male Reserve Champion – Banksia Park MMIC Casino
Senior Female Champion – Banksia Park AVJK Peppin Parade
Senior Male Champion – Banksia Park VCK Colorado ET
Senior Male Reserve Champion – Banksia Park TESK Centaur ET
Mature Female Champion – Banksia Park Zena ET
Mature Female Reserve Champion – Banksia Park Asma Silk ET
Mature Male Champion – Banksia Park Ice Challenge ET
Mature Male Reserve Champion – Banksia Park Mystic Challenge
Best White, Fawn – Light and Brown
Sires Progeny – Banksia Park Khan ET
December 2009 Jenny Jackson and Jenny McAuliffe head of on their travels across the Nullabor yet again..
November 2009 Destiny Childs first day in New Zealand
Banksia Park KOK Destiny Child ET has just arrived in New Zealand
Congratualtions to Frank and Anya Walkington
of Silver Dale Alpacas in New Zealand

November 2009 Albany Agriculture Show
Alpaca Of the Year – Banksia Park AVJK Peppin Parade ET
Supreme Champion Huacaya – Banksia Park AVJK Peppin Parade ET
Best White and Medium/Dark Fawn
October 2009 Perth Royal Show
Supreme Champion Huacaya – Banksia Park Accoyo Intrepid ET
Sire’s Progeny – Somerset Accoyo Challenger (Recently Deceased)
Best White, Light Fawn and Medium/Dark Fawn
22nd August 2009 Somerset Accoyo Challenger passes away.
During Challenger’s time he was awarded many trophies, just one of these and probably his greatest achievment,
Supreme Champion at the 2008 Whiteman Park at 10 years of age, has been buried with him.
Challenger has certainly left his stamp on the Australian Alpaca Industry.
You will be missed. Rest in peace old friend. xx

July 2009 Alpaca Winter Show, Canningvale
Supreme Champion Huacaya – Silver-Stone Ice Master ET (Congratulations to Silver-Stone in there first Australian Supreme Champion)
Best White(Silver-Stone), Light Fawn and Medium/Dark Fawn
April 2009 Alpaca Autumn Show, Whiteman Park
Supreme Champion Huacaya – Forestglen Queen of Diamonds (owned by Banksia Park)
Best White and Medium/Dark Fawn
March 2009 First Banksia Park Romeo Cria are born
Long awaited arrival of Sophie’s first Stud Male purchase, Jolimont Romeo 2 from Taylor’s Alpacas, babies have arrived. And they are impressive, big and healthy babies!
October 2008 Alpaca Infomation Day & Stud Open Day
Alpaca Infomation Centre joined with Banksia Park Alpaca Stud to hold the 2008 Alpaca Information Day and Stud Open Day.
All went smoothly during the infomation day with a good turn out of 48 people. Demonstrations, powerpoint presentations and hands on experiance covered many various areas such as handling, fleece and animal judging, husbandry, selecting breeding stock..etc.
On the Sunday, there was approx 15 people scattered through out the day interested in inspecting the sale stock. Many thanks to the new owners of the 19 alpacas (and 2 donkeys) sold as a result of the weekend.
Lunch on both days was a fabulous BBQ. Thanks to Saturday’s Chef Mr. George Jackson Senior and Sunday’s Chef Mr. Mike Maloney.
Thank you to all who helped in the set up for the weekend and all who participated.
If you would be interested in attending future Information Days please contact us at
August 2008 National Show in Canberra
Jenny travelled to Canberra to judge at the Australian National Show for the third time.
Sophie competed in the AAA National Junior Judging Competition representing Western Australia and won the title “Champian Junior Judge”. Special thanks to Jenny Mcauliffe, Sue Leith and Carolyn Emery for all of their help with practice & preparation.
July 2008 Ballarat Show
A quality group of animals was presented to the Ballarat Show.
The seven junior & intermediate animals all recieved either first or second ribbons, including 3 broad ribbons. Banksia Park Colarado ET was awarded Intermediate Champion male.
Banksia Park AVJK Peppin Parade was awarded Best White.
Banksia Park also performed well with 4 Broad ribbons in the fleece section, culminating in Somerset Accoyo Challenger winning the Supreme Champion Fleece.
Banksia Park Khan ET also won the Sires Progeny competition.
July 2008 Inaugural Winter Show at Canningvale
While a number of the Banksia Park show team were competing in the East at the Bendigo & Ballarat Shows a strong team was presented to this Inaugural Winter Show and won a total of 9 broad ribbons.
Congratulations to Greg & Judy Smith who took out the Supreme Title for both the animal & fleece sections with Rosedeane Sayonara an offspring of “Challenger”
July 2008 Bendigo Sheep Show
A small quality show team competed at the Bendigo Sheep Show this year being awarded a number of ribbons and Banksia Park QK Nando taking out the Champion Junior Male title.
June 2008 Geelong Alpaca Fest
The highlight of this show was the awarding of the progeny class to Banksia Park Khan ET amongst a number of other ribbon winners.
April 2008 Whiteman Show
Another strong showing at the 10th Anniversary of the Whiteman Park Show.
Somerset Accoyo Challenger impressed once again by taking out the Supreme Championship, pictured here with Jenny & Judge Rick Hodgeson.
Banksia Park Khan ET’s offspring performed extremely well helping Banksia Park to win 6 Championships.

March 2008 Inagural International Conference, Darling Harbour, Sydney
It was great to meet old friends at the Conference and an honour to win the Senior Fleece & Light Fawn Fleece Awards at the International Fleece Competition.
Pictured here is Carolyn Jinks awarding Jenny with one of the Championships.
A number of Banksia Park fleeces helped Australia win the Inaugural International Fleece Challenge.

April 2008 Whiteman Show
Another strong showing at the 10th Anniversary of the Whiteman Park Show.
Somerset Accoyo Challenger impressed once again by taking out the Supreme Championship, pictured here with Jenny & Judge Rick Hodgeson.
Banksia Park Khan ET’s offspring performed extremely well helping Banksia Park to win 6 Championships.

October 2007 National Show & Auction 2007 in Melbourne
Once again Banksia Park travelled across the country to compete in the National Show
Banksia Park MM Maid of the Mist ET shown here was successful in winning the National Junior Female Championship.
Banksia Park Khan ET was again shown and won the Senior Male Championship.
Banksia Park Moonraider ET won his 18-30 Mths Black Male Class
A number of other Banksia Park animals performed very strongly as did the entire Western Australian contingent at the Show.

September 2007 Banksia Park successfully complete their own Embryo Transfer Program
The successful process of collection and transfer of embryos at Banksia Park was confirmed by the ultrasound scanning of recipient females at greater than 60 days pregnant. This is proof that the in-house application of embryo transfer technology has been successful.
September 2007 Banksia Park travel to the Royal Melbourne Show
Banksia Park MM Maid of the Mist ET wins the Junior Champion female title amidst a strong showing by Banksia Park animals including Banksia Park Accoyo Invader ET winning the large 9-12 month Junior White male class.
May 2007 Banksia Park is visited by Paul & Sally Taylor from Montana and Dr Alejandra von Baer from Chile
Paul & Sally are world leaders in embryo transfer in alpacas and llamas and have been keen researchers along with Alejandra into the possible freezing of alpaca embryo. Their visit to Banksia Park allowed an opportunity for training and sharing of experiences.
January 2007 Second generation ET cria arrive
First ET offspring from an ET female have arrived!
October 2006 Governors Cup win by Banksia Park a first for Alpaca Industry
Jenny and George Jackson from Banksia Park alpaca stud in Western Australia have had an historic win for their Stud and the alpaca industry by being joint winners of the prestigious Governors Cup at the 2006 Perth Royal Show.
The Governors Cup has been competed for at Perth Royal Shows since 1896. The object of the award is to encourage exhibitors to compete with the highest quality pedigree breeding exhibits and reward both excellence and consistency throughout the whole range of their exhibits. Points can be gained for first, second and third prize winners from all single pen classes, excluding group and special classes. Points are not awarded for Championship or Reserve Championship wins.
All up, Banksia Park won 9 first places, 6 seconds, 5 third placings, 4 Championships and 3 Reserve Championships in the Huacaya section of the 2006 Perth Royal Show.
In the Governors Cup only the most successful 10 single pen entries for each exhibitor contribute to the calculation and it is believed that Banksia Park would have accumulated 37 points from the best 10 of their 20 placings in the various classes.
It is unfortunate that due to a clerical error in calculating the results from the various livestock sections, the win by Banksia Park was not discovered until a post audit of the points. The cup was initially awarded to cattle farmers Loreen and Tony Kitchen of Bandeeka stud, Elgin but they will now share the honour with Jenny and George Jackson. The error denied Jenny and George the honour of participating in the Governors Cup award presentation which is the highlight of the Grand Parade on the final day of the Royal Show.
Telephone advice of their win was received late at night by Jenny and her husband Dr George Jackson while in New Zealand on a show judging visit. Their excitement at winning such a prestigous event was put on hold for a few hours though. Their good friend and fellow alpaca breeder, Geoff Fysh, is notorious for his practical jokes and they waited until they could ring the Royal Agriculture Society office in Perth the next morning and confirm their success before letting family and friends know about their win.
In her acceptance speech at a special award presentation arranged at the Royal Show grounds, Jenny acknowledged that it would probably have been easy for the Show Society to not correct the error. But they had done so and she was pleased to accept the award on behalf of herself and her family.
Banksia Park was established in 1992 with the initial importing of a few Peruvian alpacas. They have since gone on to establish a herd in of excess of 700 alpacas and are among the most successful alpaca breeders in Australia. They are major participants in the growing Embryo Transplant (ET) side of the alpaca industry with their ET progeny being sought after throughout Australia and New Zealand. One of their males Banksia Park Khan was supreme champion at the 2005 National Show and was later sold for an Australian record price of $170,000 at the National Auction. Another of their ET progeny, Banksia Park Miss Penelope won Champion Junior Female at the 2006 National Show and sold for $64,000 at the following day s National Auction.
Ron Raynor
Regional Marketing Representative
WA Central Region
October 2005 National Show and Auction
Banksia Park Khan ET wins the 2005 National Show and is sold to a syndicate from Western Australia for A$170,000. An Australian Record price for sales at the National Auction & Sale.

September 2005 Banksia Park at the Royal Melbourne
Banksia Park Khan ET wins the Supreme Championship at Royal Melbourne after winning Intermediate Champion Male.
Banksia park Incan Mist Et wins the Intermediate Champion Female title

April 2005 Whiteman Show
Banksia Park clean sweep of the junior ribbons at Whiteman Show with 7 ET offspring.
Includes the first Supreme Champion for Banksia Park Khan ET